Holy Childhood’s Employment Services staff assists people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, 21 years and older, in obtaining and maintaining competitive employment. Employees hired from this program work side by side with their non-disabled co-workers, and earn at least minimum wage. Holy Childhood Employment Services enables workers to succeed in employment areas that fit their talents, interests and abilities. We partner with a wide variety of area businesses to place talented and diverse workers in jobs that meet an employer’s unique workforce needs.
For more information about Holy Childhood’s Supported Employment Services, please contact Teronce Holiday at 359-2253, ext. 6370 or email Teronce here.
Employment Programs We Provide:
Pathway to Employment
An OPWDD program, Pathway to Employment is a person-centered employment planning and support service that provides assistance for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to obtain, maintain or advance in competitive employment or self-employment.
Employment Training Program
Also an OPWDD program, ETP offers people an opportunity to work in an internship program that will eventually lead to permanent employment. During the internship, wages will be paid through ETP while the worker learns the skills needed for the job.
Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCESS-VR) assists people with disabilities to achieve and maintain employment and to support independent living through training, education, rehabilitation, and career development.
Supports We Provide
- Discovery of employment interests, preferences, strengths, talents and needs.
- Community-based work assessments.
- Development of an Employment Plan.
- Job search, skills training and support as needed (contacting employers, assistance with completing applications, and interview training and practice).
- Job coaching support, both on and off the worksite.
- Individualized job training.
- Assess supports and technology needs; provide training as needed.
- Identify and facilitate the use of natural supports in the work environment.
- Identify transportation options and provide training.
- On-going monthly follow-up at the worksite to ensure job retention.
Benefits of Hiring People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Around your workplace, there are tasks that are vital to your business operation. It’s possible they are time-consuming or routine, but they support your highly-skilled workforce, and they must be completed. That’s where Holy Childhood Employment Services comes in. Studies have shown that:
- People with disabilities are reliable and have an overall higher job retention rate.
- Employees with disabilities are less likely to get into work related accidents.
- Businesses that hire people with disabilities may receive tax credits or other incentives.
- Workers with disabilities will increase diversity in the workplace.
- People with disabilities are as capable as anyone else.
Our Current Business Partners
Lean Life, Wegmans, Home Depot, Monroe #1 BOCES, Sisters of St. Joseph, Niblack Foods, Brighton Central School District, Special Touch Bakery, West Irondequoit High School, Rochester International Airport, World Painting, Wendy’s, Holy Childhood, Price Rite, Red Wings Stadium, and MAINES.
Tax Incentives for Businesses: Lower Labor Costs
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Workers Employment Tax Credit (WETC) Workers with Disabilities Tax Credit (WDTC)
Holy Childhood Employment Services offices are located in one of our premier employment locations, Special Touch Bakery, Inc. Holy Childhood does not discriminate based on race, color and national or ethnic origin.