Work-Based Learning (WBL)

school program
Holy Childhood’s Work-Based Learning Program serves our School Program students, ages 16-21.  The staff includes a dedicated coordinator and four job coaches.  Students receive in-school instruction in addition to off-site work experiences throughout the Rochester community.  Holy Childhood’s Work- Based Learning Program offers students a chance to extend their classroom experiences into a real life workplace setting, working alongside non-disabled employees.

The goals of the program are to: 

  • Provide our students with the opportunity to transfer what they learn in the classroom to actual work site experience.
  • Introduce students to the world of work.
  • Assist students in discovering and recognizing their skills and interests.
  • Introduce the students to unique workplace settings.
  • Help students learn self-advocacy skills in a community setting with non-disabled colleagues.
  • Support the students as they develop the skills that will help them to transition into the work force.

Students in the Work-Based Learning program are offered unpaid internships either in a community setting and/or within Holy Childhood.  Students are placed at work sites based on their skills, interests, teacher recommendation, program goals and availability.  All students placed at internships in the community are supervised by our trained Job Coaches.

Students in the Work-Based Learning program also participate in Holy Childhood’s Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES Lab). The PAES program provides training in employment skills in a work development lab within the school program. Simulating a work environment, this lab assesses a student’s competitive work potential and work interests and develops work behavioral skills.  The performance-based assessment used in PAES allows for progress monitoring and measures performance in a variety of skill areas. This information can be used to develop post-secondary transition goals.

Student performance is assessed by both the assigned Job Coach and the Work Based Learning Coordinator. Evaluations are completed both at the mid-way point and at the conclusion of a job placement. At the end of a job placement, a comprehensive progress report for the student is completed. Evaluations are discussed with the student and provided to both the family and the workplace supervisor.  The Work Based Learning Coordinator conducts regular visits to job sites to monitor the students’ progress.

Dr. Donna Moscicki, School Program Director
Kathryn Miller, Clinic Coordinator
Jacquelyn Lacy, Assistant School Program Director
Patty Purvee, Administrative Assistant

School Hours:  8:30-2:30
Address: 100 Groton Parkway Rochester, NY  14623
Phone Number:  585-359-3710

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